If you are looking for the info on biocellulose face mask, you are about to read everything you should know about biocellulose face mask.
Some people call it biocellulose mask or biocellulose face mask. Even some of beauty industry players refer to this innovation as biocellulose sheet mask or biocelllulose facial mask
It is the same thing however you call it. Continue reading if you would like to know more.
First of all biocellulose is a natural fiber with a diameter of only 20 nanometers which is 1000 times thinner than human hair.
For better perspective, human skin diameter is around 50 nanometers.
This super super fine fiber is :
- Eco-friendly
- Bio degradable
- Better choice to contain serum
- Giving maximum hydration to the skin
Biocellulose Mask VS Fabric/Paper Mask
You must be wondering what is it that so different between the fabric mask that you are consuming right now with biocellulose mask.
VNIBioC trully advocates the use of biocellulose. For us, paper mask is simply a wet paper. There we said it.
- Paper doesn’t adhere well to your skin
- Paper dries out quickly (around 12 minutes on your face)
On the other hand, biocellulose mask as a better choice is doing its job like you want it
- Biocellulose mask clings tightly to your skin
- Biocellulose mask Super hydrates your skin
- Biocellulose mask stays put & moist
- Biocellulose mask improves ingredient transfer efficiency to your skin
It is so easy to use biocellulose mask with all these advantages above, Read here if you would like to know more on how to use biocellulose mask
Now that you know the different between biocellulose mask versus other type of mask, Isn’t the choice is obvious?
VNIBioC is committed to encourage all women to adopt biocellulose mask as part of their beauty routine.
Our dream is to see in front of all vanity mirror in your room, lies a biocellulose mask and you are proud of wearing it.
For your beauty and for the goodness it brings to nature.
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